
Welcome to CFB Edmonton

Hello from CFB Edmonton.
Though my day began at 2am with a Greyhound from Red Deer, it's been a pretty straightforward day of getting to the base.
For now, here's a fairly limited post of some of the photos taken as I went out with the Jump serial candidates to the Mock Tower (where, from a limited height they learn how to jump from a moving airplane, or chopper.

But also though, I'd be pretty amiss if I didn't mention how generous the Battalion has been with me so far. Allowing me to wander around taking photos as well as (most likely) going up in Griffon Helicopters and Hercules transports is pretty awesome of them. But I was super surprised at the fancy digs they've put me up in. As I type this, Commando is playing on the flatscreen TV thanks to the selection of DVDs in my apartment.
So thanks to the CO, Maj. Kevin Barry, DCO, Maj. Quentin Innis and members of B Coy.

More to follow, but I'm pretty pooped so for now, just some photos.

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